Please click on the link below to report bullying, abuse, neglect or personal safety concerns or if you need any other help or support.
Your message will be passed on to a member of the Safeguarding Team within Student Services who will respond to you directly to discuss your concerns. 
You can also report your concerns to your Personal Tutor or any member of staff. 
If you feel you are in immediate danger you should report your concerns to the police.

IMPORTANT: If you want the safeguarding team to reply to your PERSONAL (non-college) email address, please include the email address in your message.

Report a Safeguarding Concern


Please also see the links below to access information, advice, guidance and support on a range of safeguarding issues.

Help for young people with problems such as self harm, abuse and mental health issues
0800 1111

Herts Young Homeless Group East Herts Area
Advice on homelessness
0844 833 0933

The service is available 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide
08457 909090

The Anti-Bullying Campaign 
Help and advice if you are being bullied or are a bully
0808 800 2222

CEOP – Child Exploitation and On-line Protection
Help and advice if you are concerned about on-line safety
0870 000 3344

Last modified: Thursday, 17 September 2020, 3:49 PM