The IT Code of Practice is about ensuring the safety of our learners, staff and the College's IT facilities.

Wherever you're studying (e.g. College, Home, Work, Internet Cafe), if you use any of the College's IT systems or equipment, you must comply with the College's IT Code of Practice*. Failure to do so will lead to disciplinary action, including an appropriate restriction of your IT privileges.

The Key Points

Passwords and logging on/ off - Don't put yourself or others at risk!

  • Never use other peoples' passwords or log-in identities
  • Never give anyone else your College password. If you think someone knows what it is, change it!
  • Remember to log off every time you have finished using a shared computer
  • If you need to leave a PC unattended for more than 20 seconds, lock it. To do this, press the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys together then click ‘lock this computer’.
  • If you are using a computer which does not require you to log in (e.g. in an Internet Café), you must close all Internet browser* windows when you have finished using the computer. (*e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari)

The following are not permitted at any time

  • Forging email signatures and/or headers, initiating and/or forwarding ‘chain’ or ‘junk’ or ‘harassing’ mail
  • Using or producing materials or resources to facilitate unauthorised corruption, changes, malfunction of, circumvention to, or access to any College or external IT facilities
  • Displaying, storing, printing or transmitting images or text which could be considered
    offensive (e.g. porn and violence - see IT COP)
  • Using, downloading, copying or storing Copyright materials including software without the permission of the Copyright holder (or under a licence owned by HRC)

Respect the rights of others

  • Think twice before you post something on a Facebook wall, or send someone a message, which could cause offence or upset. Whatever system you use, if your message affects the wellbeing of another student or staff member, it's our business! The content of Facebook and MySpace pages has been used as part of student disciplinaries.
  • Do not eat or drink in IT rooms or the LRC.
  • Set your mobile phone to silent in all learning areas. Do not use mobiles in classrooms without authorisation.

You need to know

  • In cases of suspected wrongdoing the College's Network Manager has the authority to access any files created or stored by you on the College network (or other HRC-owned systems)
  • *The terms within the IT Code of Pratice are currently under review. All future changes will be published here. When changes are made, you will be instructed to agree to them before continuing your use of the College's IT facilities.

Did you know?

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Last modified: Monday, 14 March 2016, 10:27 AM