ProPortal is the ILP (Individual Learning Plan) system at HRC for full-time students.
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Let's take a look...

Here's a video overview of ProPortal @ HRC for students.

What happens when in ProPortal?
Ask your tutor to talk you through this graphic.

In ProPortal you can:

  • See how you are progressing on your course/s, including viewing records of meetings with your tutor. 
  • See Comments and SMART Targets set for you by staff... and add your own! 
  • See other information, including your timetable and attendance data.

What do the attendance marks mean in ProPortal?

A = Absent

I = Individual Tutorial (I was not required to be at this session)

V = A Visit/Trip away

L = Late

P = Present

B or Q = Ignore these marks

Last modified: Monday, 5 November 2018, 11:22 AM